
Monday, October 15, 2007

I Need to Slow Down

As much as we complain about it, we are drawn to hurry. It makes us feel important. It keeps the adrenaline pumping. It means we don't have to look too closely at the heart or life.
--John Ortberg

This was the topic of our Home Bible Fellowship study last night. Many of us have "Hurry Sickness". Most of us lead hurried, harried lives. Ortberg describes the American lifestyle as being so rushed and preoccupied that we don't actually live life, we just skim over! Hurry disrupts our life-giving connection with God, so if we want to grow spiritually we must train ourselves to eliminate hurry.

I am so guilty of hurrying and not enjoying the moment. So often I am looking forward to checking off the items on my "to do list" or looking to far into the future and not enjoying my life moment by moment. I desire to change.


Jill said...

I think the same thing every morning when I start rushing and hurrying the minute my feet hit the floor. I always have a time deadline...get kids to school, get to work, get out the door in time to pick kids up, get dinner made... I even have a rushed schedule on the weekends.

Justabeachkat said...

A BIG amen on this post!!!! You are absolutely right. Remember that song (by Alabama, I think?) "I'm In A Hurry And Don't Know Why". I'm always rushing from one thing to another. I know I need to slow down and take time to smell the roses. Thanks for a great reminder.
