
Friday, May 8, 2009

Bubba’s Going Away Party!

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Wednesday, Matt’s youth group and leaders had a surprise send off party.  He leaves next Friday for Camp Redcloud in Lake City, Colorado.  You can visit the website at to find out about the camp.  He will be a counselor working with youth and will return to Texas in August.  Pat and I will be escorting him there so that he can have his truck while there.  He is so excited and counting down the days.  Pat and I are so excited and proud of him and I am just trying to not focus on him “leaving his mom”!  We haven’t been apart yet as he has been living at home and going to college.  If you are on Facebook you can follow his journey.  He is planning on getting Skype so that we can see his sweet, handsome face!  I will also keep you posted through my blog!  Thanks to all of you that have prayed and sent financial support for his new ministry and know that he is so appreciative.  A big thanks to Jamie Menchaca for setting up the party and making him feel so special!



Jill said...

You must be very proud! (And I know you will be missing him). My brother was a camp counselor each summer when he was in college and he loved every minute of it and made wonderful, life-long friends. And Skype is great! Adam and I use with with hubby when he travels. The whole time we're talking Adam says "Say it louder, dad! Speak up!" ha!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Yay! Who knows what God has in store, and how the Lord will use him.:)

xo Lidy

Debra said...

I LOVED summer camp and what fun to be a leader of other kids. That rocks! Think of the lives he will be showing Jesus to. That's an awesome calling and what a wonderful send-off. I'll pray for safe travels there and back!