
Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Mom's New Mini & Toy Australian Shepherd Website





Most of yesterday and today (actually still in my pj's at 4:44 pm this Saturday) I have been working on mom's new website. I volunteered this job thinking it would be pretty easy. No, it has been very time consuming and a lot of trial and error, but I have learned a lot. Above are pictures that I am using on her site, and I thought you might enjoy these pictures of her and her pups. The second picture is of Zeb and she is mom's companion and gets to live inside the house. She has a kennel in Oklahoma and has been breeding them now several years. She has over three females and four males that she uses for breeding.

Go by and visit her website at and pass the word along if you know of anyone looking for a new dog. The site is, of course, still under construction!
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LivingTheLife said...

Oh! Paige...those are the cutest pups...we used to have an Australian Shepard growing up...I'm sure "sister" has told you about Koalie...she was a beaut...she was tri-color...and one smart cookie. She was always on the go...Dad was crazy over her...we breed her once...she had a great liter...I kept one and named her Penny...everyone with the exception of me...hated Penny...mean family...huh??? I'll tell you the REAL story...b/c sister is a bit biased...ha!

Blessings...and thanks for sharing those little darlins' w/us.


Justabeachkat said...

Wow...your Mom is beautiful and so are those puppies!


Julie said...

What adorable pups those are.

I found you through someone else's blog, whose I don't know. I am new to blogging and am just perusing around and trying to get to know people.

Immediately I loved your blog, after all you have my favorite verse at the top.

Have a blessed evening,