In 1994 I gave birth to a ten pound baby and now look at him. He is getting taller by the minute and looks just like his dad...and acts like him too! We took G with some friends, to a local restaurant. He only wanted one thing for his birthday and that was a new cell phone! We held out as long as I could stand it!
Also, I know that I screwed up on my last post with Hubby and Sis' picture being in the place of her boyfriend's picture. I asked Sis for a new picture of her boyfriend and I have not received one, so it will be posted in the future.
Sis got word yesterday that she will be transfered to a new bank near school and will start next week. That means that she is moving out this weekend. We new it was coming, but not this weekend so our hearts are tender. I tear up just talking about it.
I had a cool experience yesterday. I went to the Dallas Market for the first time and by myself too! It was overwhelming at first (15 floors), but it was easy to know where you were going. I made some good contacts for my florals in the near future, so I am excited about that.
Make it a good day!
Paige, So glad you cleared that up. I thought Eli was too old for Elizabeth! Best wishes to Elizabeth in the days ahead and I'll be praying for you! Love you, Marilyn P.S. Elizabeth, I love the bedroom.
Happy Birthday..."G" does that sound so much older than really does...sorry...don't mean to dwell on that...he's still young...very young!
By the way...I tagged you...go to my sight and see what's up with's kind of fun...but totally your choice to participate or not!
Have a great weekend!
Happy Birthday G!
Happy Birthday G! Good Luck with sis this weekend..I will be thinking about you. We go to market in Atlanta is overwhelming....
My baby will be 13 in a couple of weeks. Thankfully he's just asking for fishing tackle! :)
I love your blog, its been fun reading! :)
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