
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rigorous Training

"Trust me here and now. You are in rigorous training---on an adventurous trail designed for you alone. This path is not of your choosing but it is My way for you.  I am doing things you can't understand. That is why I say, "Trust Me!" The jungle is thick and you cannot clearly see what is before you, behind you, or beside you. Cling to My hand as you follow this trail in shadowy darkness."~~Jesus Today

That was a word I needed this morning.  I have read it over again several times.  My verse God gave me in 2008 was John 13:7, "Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will."  I guess I will keep claiming that verse as my life verse as it has held some prophecy ever since. In order for me to not understand my life, I am going to have to trust Him.  

I received additional encouragement this morning after reading from the book, "Lord, I Need Answers" by Kay & David Arthur. 

1 Peter 1:6-7, "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

 "Every trial has a beginning and an end. To gain the full benefit from the trial--all that God in His grace and goodness intends for me--endure! It will have an end. God thinks that particular trial is necessary for me to be all I should be or to be more effective in my service and ministry to others. I can rest assured, then, that no trial, no matter what it is, is without purpose. It's been filtered through God's sovereign fingers of love, and it is the very thing I need in order to become what He wants me to become."

I know that my life will not be full of mountain top days, but that is okay as long as I have peace. I crave His peace the most right now as I try to trust him in every phase of my  life whether it be big or small and I have many of both. 

As I reflect on 2012 which was full of pain, change and challenges, I know that God carried me the whole year. I also know of His provision, faithfulness and goodness.  2013 has now arrived and my prayer is to surrender to the desires of His heart.  I feel God wants me to know Him in a different way now and He has shown me that He has some new plans for me that I will not understand either.

In His Grip,


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