
Monday, July 25, 2011

So Thankful For Friends

You should feel fortunate if you have DSL as I am sick and tired of this country living internet service.  Thank goodness I have tethering on my phone.  My kids are frustrated and I was too when there were 11 callers in front of me.

Pat's day was not much better.  I sure wish I could trade places with him, but he wouldn't let me though.  He made himself  go to work for a few hours and I do not know how he was able to do that.  He has been such a trooper.

I was reading in Bill Hybel's book last week and he mentioned Isaiah 43:2. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. This morning while praying, God brought this verse to mind.  We have certainly been in the waters and doing our share of floating, but sometimes it does feel like fire.  One thing I am sure of is that we will not be ablaze as He has been so faithful. 

Saturday morning when Pat and I were ready to pack up and head home, I realized I had such a peace.  I immediately said to myself that someone must be praying for me right now.  An hour later I opened my email and read this:  "Hello my friend, I now you are having a tough time right now.. I can feel it... guess that is just God's way of telling me it is time to pray a little harder for you and, Pat and your family. Love you!"  Sure enough, the message was sent at the time I knew someone was praying.   It was from my friend, Jennifer in Fort Smith.  She and I were roommates college and cheerleaders for the Southeastern Savages!  Thank you, Jennifer and all of you who send your timely messages. Many times they reach us just when we need them. 

The other day I was thanking a friend of mine, Carla, who is walking this same road with her husband, Rick, and I told her I was thankful we could do it together. I said that this journey can get weary for our friends who carry us.  She said that she tells her friends that "Friendship with me is expensive"....and priceless. 

Loco needs my attention!  Can you believe that Matt had the nerve to tell me that I am Loco's grandma? Geez, that will get him a slug in the arm.



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