
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Cards

Hello!  As I sit here tonight, all three of my kiddos are here...what a great feeling!  School is out for the boys and we are so proud of their good grades.  

Tonight we had our Life Group Christmas party which was a lot of fun with good food, Chinese Christmas exchange (Pat and I came home with the Starbucks gift card) and laughter.  I love this group so much. Their love and support are never ending.  

Pat is feeling drained and is very tired today.  He feels pretty good, but has slept most of the day.  He is trying a new pain medication, Dilaudid, that he thinks is working better.  I pray that he has more energy tomorrow and has a really good week.

I love going to the mail box during the holiday season as I love Christmas cards, especially those with photos included!  My family hopefully knows that it is my job to get the mail each day! I am so proud of our pictures that we had made for the Christmas card! Chelsea Williams of was the photographer and she did a fantastic job. Thank you Chelsea! 

 A prayer from "Don't Waste The Pain".

"I am counting on You, Faither, to walk with me through this day, into and through each situation.  I know that You can handle it all.  I so readily try to take things into my own hands, especially when I feel responsible.  I refuse to do that today.  Please keep me strongly aware of Your powerful, loving and peaceful presence."

I pray you have a great week and you feel his powerful, loving hand upon you.

In His Grip,

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