
Friday, August 15, 2008

We Are Home and It Feels So Good!

Yes we are home! I am sorry that I have posted so late, but you know that I am now the nurse, mom again, the dog's mom, and the secretary! We arrived about 9:30 last night. We knew that Dr. Lin would stop by late so we were just waiting around for him to give us the green light to go home. When Pat got home he had a few surprises waiting for him. Below I have a slide show for you to see.

It was so good to arrive and see the welcoming lights of our home. We walked into the door and we saw streamers everywhere. The boys and their two friends, Arty and Jessica were here to give him a card and a few presents. (Sis was suppose to be here, but her brothers didn't tell her the exact plan...she was not happy.) These gifts were from the friends of our kids. The card had every one's signature who contributed to his welcome home surprise. I can't describe to you how touched Pat was after reading all of the sweet words of love and encouragement that each person had written to Pat. Next, he received a hammock that was sitting right smack dab in the middle of the living room. His third gift were some awesome new tennis shoes, and lastly two trees (one for here and one for the ranch in Hico). The tree that the boys planted in the front yard is in honor of Pat and Life. They call it the Life Tree. They explained that if we or any of you, our family and friends, have someone who is sick and needs prayer, to please come by and tie a ribbon on the tree with the person's name. Please do this in honor of your loved one and know that prayer will make a difference for each individual. Needless to say, Pat and I were overwhelmed and truly speechless. Please drive by and see the tree when you get a chance.

Pat came home with just his feeding tube. The J-tube is just a backup in case he is unable to eat or if he needs more nutrition than he is getting by eating. Pat is feeling pretty good today. He did not sleep well and the eating is a huge adjustment for him. He is only able to take about five bites at a time and usually doesn't feel very good after he eats. He said that he feels like his food is stacking up in his esophagus. Dr. Lin said that eventually Pat will develop a system of eating that works for him. We will follow up with Dr. Lin in about a month and we have an oncologist appointment on September 9th.

It felt so good to come home to a sparkling, clean house and a loaded pantry and refrigerator filled with food and drinks. I am still excited. I am so very grateful to those who provided these luxuries for us. I also had a weeded flower bed....thanks Alison. The boys got up to mow at 6:00 this morning so that dad could enjoy his mowed lawn.

I will continue to post everyday. Please allow me to thank each and every one of you who has prayed, called, texted, phoned, emailed, sent cards and flowers, and prepared food or services for us. My prayer is that we can pay it forward to you some day should you need it. We honestly could not have gotten through this without all of the love and support of our family, friends, and church family at First Baptist Church. Hugs to all of you from the five of us.



Cherdecor said...

WOW! What a homecoming! Your children are just the best! How did they think up all that they did? They are great kids!

It is so encouraging to see how the Lord has answered prayer. As I visit your blog I will continue to pray for Pat and wish him a quick recovery.

Yes, I came here through Justabeachkat.


Sky said...

It is great to see that you are well!
Your unwavering faith in God and family are truly inspiring to many. Don't spend to much time in that hammock I need you back to work so we can negotiate those lower prices!
You gotta get back to Indiana before the first snow!

You are a blessed man Pat!

Mark Beard