
Sunday, September 18, 2011

On Mission With God

I hear thunder outside and saw lightening on the way home from Life Group tonight. Bring on the rain!

It was nice getting together with our life group. Summer activities caused us to meet less these past few months, so what a joy it is to be with our group again. Pat and I are so thankful for this group of believers who have walked alongside us these past four years. Hey, Life Group, Happy Anniversary! God certainly knew what he was doing when he formed our group in 2007 and he most certainly knew what The Easterlings would need and take up most of the LG reward points!

On Mission With God Living God's Purpose For His Glory by Avery T. Willis, Jr. & Henry T. Blackaby is a new Bible Study I started this morning. I popped into Life Way Friday afternoon and was just wandering around. I am always praying for God to show me what He has for me to read or study next and I felt he led me to this particular study when I read "God is moving in unprecedented and exciting ways through the world today and He is calling believers to live His purpose for their lives." The first study today was good. "God is at work all the time, and He initiates a personal, loving relationship with you and invites you to join Him in His work. As God speaks to you, you experience a crisis of belief that calls for major adjustments in your life so that you can relate to Him ad His mission. As you make the adjustments and obey Him, He moves you into the middle of His activity--as part of God's mission. As you look at God's mission through the eyes of His chosen servants, be assured that it is God who is on mission. The mission is His, not yours. But He has determined to accomplish His mission through His people. He is actively working to involve His people with all the peoples of the world so that they may know Him and worship Him."

I wrote in the margin, "I've seen it." I know that God has a purpose in our journey, so I would just soon join Him. This experience has certainly caused me to examine what I believe, stretch my faith and make major adjustments in my life. Gosh, I struggle internally with the fact that I know that God chose us to walk on this unknown path, and I feel honored. But at the same time, I want my healthy Pat back. I want to see him healed, happy and pain free.

God is definitely at work in and around us. Just the blessings and God hugs he has given us would absolutely amaze you if I had the chance to sit with you and share just how faithful God is. That is why I journal, as I want to read about them again and remember. I never want to forget. He has so much more to teach me about Himself and so much to change in me.

Hope you have a good week.


xoxo Photobucket

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