
Sunday, November 7, 2010

God of Hope

The weekend went fast didn't it?  Hope you had a good one.  Today I got the privilege of hosting Ashley Fanning's baby shower along with Tami Rodgers and Sherri Gillespie.  Ashley's husband, Matt, grew up with my kids and it feels just like yesterday they playing together in the neighborhood.  His parents, Angie & Jordan, became our friends and neighbors just the time Garrett was a few months old. Can't wait to meet Master Camden Matthew Fanning in December. While I was at the baby shower, Pat hung out with Jordan.  We finished off the evening by spending the evening with our Life Group.  Pat has felt good today, but wasn't up to going to church this morning.  We also have to watch crowds at this point until he gets his white count back up.  We didn't go to church today, but I had a sweet quiet time with God.  I read the last chapter of Angela Thomas' book, Do You Know Who I Am which was entitled "He Is My Hope."  These are some thoughts I want to share with you from her book.  Most people understand hope as wishful thinking , as in "I hope something will happen."  That is not what the Bible means by hope.  The biblical definition of hope is "confident expectation."  We, the followers of Christ, have set our confidence firmly on the power and promise of God.  Expect that He will be sovereign in our lives.  We expect that He is working all things for good and for His glory.  We can rest and find hope in the "confident expectation" that our God is completely and eternally in control. I love the two stories Angela talks about, two daughters in the book of Mark.  One is the daughter of Jarius, a 12 year old desperately sick.  The other woman is an adult called "daughter" by Jesus who was suffering for 12 years with bleeding affliction.  Two in need, two desperate to be healed and without any other hope. They come to Jesus in two different ways.  The young girl had a father who came to Jesus boldly and was a member of the synagogue and the woman was timid and unknown. Each had faith and knew that Jesus could heal them.  I continued to read several pages as she shared from the book of Mark.  What message did I get from this story?  One, confirmation.  I can go to Jesus boldly or timidly.  My personality is on the bold side.  I am going to believe and pray for totally healing.  When I pray, I am not just hoping....I am believing.  All it takes is a faith of a mustard seed and I have that.  I pray that I will trust God, who is with me more than this cancer we face. I am asking God to open my eyes so that I can really see who He is and the powerful protector he promises to be.  These are words are from Angela Thomas that I have made in to my prayer and I pray this for all of five of us.  Do you see what a gift this chapter was to me today?  He gave me this when I needed it.  I want to share this hope with you too if you are struggling.  God is faithful.  I wait with great expectation each morning to hear from Him.  He showed up today and He showed out.  I want to close with the last chapter of her book:  "Do everything you can to leave the door open and then make sure that you watch for God.  When Hope walks in, He'll take your breath away.  Your darkness will be dispelled by His light.  The joy of His Hope will fill the emptiness of your heart and put a song in your mouth. And right there, wrapped in the glorious Hope of our Lord and Savior, you can rest.  It's time to rest.  Let the peace of God transcend your understanding.  You are known.  You are loved.  You are rescued.  You are safe.  For now and forever.  Amen.  
November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness!

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