
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It is raining here and quite chilly for me!   Pat loves this weather because it is close to deer season.  Actually the picture I have attached is a picture of a buck that was seen at the ranch.  Pat's buddy, Brian has a game camera set up, so he sends Pat the pictures.  That picture was taken last week and it is a big one!  Hope you are having a good day.  Today is the second day of actually being home and trying to settle into a new normal.  I actually got about eight hours of work in yesterday, and half of that was from home.  My job description at the church is Administrative Assistant to the Associate Pastor and I also run the web.  The church is allowing me to work from home on the web, which is just what I need to keep my creative juices flowing.  I have many passions in my life, but one of my favorites is technology!  I love getting a new computer, software, or new phone.  I love blogging, facebooking and most social media.  I guess I am just a nerd. Working on the graphics and layout of the website is what I truly enjoy or making changes or designs on my blog. So, I am so thankful that the church is going to allow me to work from home.  May I just brag on my fellow staff members?  Today I was told that the staff at FBC (First Baptist Burleson) donated personal sick leave to me so that I can continue to be paid through the first of January.  That just causes me to tear up.  I am so humbled, grateful and in awe of you guys.  Pat, my kids and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  What a blessing to know that I have the freedom to take care of my family when they need me the most.  I will forever be grateful. God knew what he was doing when he lead me to this job in 2009.  I pray you have a church family and/or Life Group to walk with you and live authentic lives with you.  The past couple of days have been tough ones.  Pat is very tired.  His pain level is good, but his body is having to fight the medicines, pain, chemo, depression and just plain reality. The reality is that when we wake up in the morning nothing has changed.  You find joy in the little things and encouragement from His word, an act of service, a text, a card or just a hug. We are leaning hard on God right now.  He is faithful and He is good.   

In His Grip,
Pat & Paige 

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