
Monday, February 7, 2011

Fantastic News Today

Hey guys!  I know you are waiting anxiously for the results as we were.  We were able to get into see the oncologist at 1:00 today vs 3:00.  Results are:

Tumor markers are now down to 61. There were multiple lesions on the liver before and now gone down significantly.  There is less activity in the stent area.  Cannot see any activity now in the neck of the pancreas.  Bone cancer is better, some minimal activity.   Both doctors, oncology and gastroenterology, are very pleased.  Dr. Yoeder, gastro doc, said that Pat has done a remarkable job considering what he has been through since 2008.  He was so encouraging and Dr. Stresthda, oncologist, was too!  Chemo treatment will still be every two weeks.

Pat has lost only two pounds, so we are even excited about that.  We met with Jason, nutritionist, and he was pleased with our progress and gave us more ideas to increase the calories with the protein. 

We are now at the center waiting on our chemo appointment which is at 5:30, but we are hoping they can get us in earlier.  We are planning on driving home tonight in order to avoid the snow that they are expecting here in Tulsa tomorrow, which will put us home after midnight.  I will have to do all of the driving, so please pray that I will be wide awake!  Since I don't have a radio, I may have to do all of the singing!  Ha!

Pat and I are elated with this news.  We both know that this news could be the opposite and we give God all of the glory.  Also, Pat and I know that prayer is key and you are part of this victory and you, our friends and family, are part of this winding journey.

All of our love,


1 comment:

Linda said...

This is great news sweet Paige.. still praying!