
Monday, February 28, 2011

Sick of Those Taxes


I just want to say that I am sick of working on my taxes or I should say getting the information gathered for my accountant.  Bless his heart, he has his work cut out working with me.  I hate numbers and very intimidated by anything that the IRS wants from me!  I do have an ace in my deck that most of you do not have ..yep!  I am bragging.  My little sister is an IRS auditor and I don't mind using her a bit!

I am so bad with numbers that my double major in college was created around not having to do any kind of math to get that degree.  My accounting class was considered a math class way back then.  If you ask my Mom, she would say that I wasn't very good in that either.  We spent a lot of time on the phone my freshman year at college trying to get that homework done. 

Today was a tough one for Pat.  He still has the bone pain and he was home most of the day today.  On days like this he can only just rest and ride it out.  I am praying for a much better day tomorrow.  His body might not cooperate, but his mind is willing and he doesn't complain.  I practically have to beg him to allow me to do anything for him.  I just want to trade places with him.

Going to call it a night!   But first,

May the Lord bless you

and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you

May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.   Numbers 6: 24-26
In His Grip!

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