
Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Great Report! Praise God

Hey guys!  I couldn't wait to write on Caringbridge tonight as I have awesome news!  We met with Dr. Shrestha early this morning and she gave us a report of the bone scan.  Originally there were two spots on the bone, one on the right humerus and one in the back at T3.  The spot on the humerus is gone!  I also asked about the tumor in the bile duct or pancreas and that is not active as well as the second tumor on his liver.  They did the microwave ablation today at 3 PM.  It took about an hour and half before I saw Pat in recovery.  Dr. Pasqual said that the ablation went well and that he got a good burn.  (Sounds bad uh?) 

We are elated with smiles all over our face!  When I woke up this morning I felt such peace and I told Pat that it didn't occur to me to worry or fret about any bad news today. 

Dr. Shrestha is adding a new drug to Pat's chemotherapy called Tarceva which is an oral chemo drug that he will take everyday.  She feels that the cancer may be resisting the current Gemzar, so she is adding this drug.  When Pat is discharged tomorrow afternoon, he will get his chemotherapy.

After discussing Pat's back pain with Dr. Shrestha, she said that it could be possible that the pain could be coming from a degenerative disk that has been diagnosed in the past.  They wanted to do a MRI or x-ray to try to determine this, but we are going to wait and take a non-steroidal medication to see if that helps his pain. 

Our care manager nurse, Adelaine, was visiting with Pat and I after Dr. Shrestha left.  Pat was asking about her background.  She is from India.  While in India as a student she starting meeting with a group that was doing a Bible study and she accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior.  A group of them left India to come to the States where she attended a Bible School.  She is married to a Professor at Oral Roberts and they have their own ministry and travel around the world.  After she shared her testimony she was talking to us about Dr. Shrestha, who did her medical training in New Delhi, India.  She is a very compassionate person and is currently battling Bells Palsy, and in fact has paralysis of her face at this time.  Adelaine shared with us that all of Dr. Shrestha's team are all Christians and that they pray every morning before they start their day.  She said that Dr. Shrestha said that she noticed how much better her days are after praying and now insists upon them.  One day Dr. S asked Adelaine where these words were coming from that they were praying.  They told her the Bible and she has requested one just recently.  Someone asked her if she is close to becoming a Christian and she said she is almost there. As Adelaine was telling this story, tears flowed from her eyes. Before Adelaine said goodbye she went to get a teammate named Susan, who she introduced as a prayer warrior.  The four of us joined hands and prayed.  These two women prayed for Pat and I, the ablation, and for healing of his body.  Beautiful scripture was spoken over us and I have no doubt God was present with us.  As I heard these prayers, tears just rolled down my face.  How humbled Pat and I felt to be standing in this facility with believers of doctors and nurses who actually pray for you.  On top of that, Pat and I hear this great news of Pat's healing.  I am in awe of God and His current miracles that He has given us and that He would allow Pat and I to experience a place such as this Cancer treatment, which is a ministry in itself! 

Pat finished his grill cheese and potato chips a bit ago.  He currently has pain where they did the ablation, but the pain medication has kicked in and currently he is comfortable.

Murray and Misty were here to keep us company, and I am so tickled that they are here in Tulsa when we are.  They have helped Pat and I keep the smiles on our faces these past two days as well as keep my stomach full!

As I look over at Pat in his cute hospital gown, I see a courageous, handsome man that I adore and I am so proud of.  The kids and I call him our hero!  He is so diligent in taking his medications, rolling  with the changes and doing what the doctors ask of him without complaint.  He does this day in and day out and tries to be as independent as possible while trying to keep our lives as normal as it can be.  I would not wish this nasty cancer on anyone, but the five of us have seen firsthand the many gifts and blessings that have been bestowed upon us and we are forever grateful.   We are so thankful for our friends and family who reach out to us, love us, and pray for us through this long journey. 

Before you go to sleep tonight, I ask that you give God all the praise and glory for this great news! 

Hugs from room 237,
Paige & Pat

Miss you Elizabeth, Matt & Garrett! 



Thanks for taking time out of your crazy day to give us this great report.


Jessica Heights said...

I'm so glad you received such good news! :)