
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can You Tell Me What Day This Is?

Hello!  What a day.  Day two feels like day 8 to me!  I keep asking Elizabeth what day it is.  Pat had his tube put into his side through the liver to drain to get the jaundice to go away late afternoon.  Pretty painful. He has had to fast most of the two days while we have been here for tests, so needless to say, he ate really well after and now he is literally snoring very loud with his new pain meds.  He deserves it.  He had a rough night last night and I did too.  I couldn't figure out how to make the hospital chair to a nice bed, so my feet just kind of dangled.  Got me a cot though, which they say are hard to come by!  Going to be better sleeping tonight for me.   

Tomorrow is a major day for us.  We have a CT with contrast to determine if the tumor on the pancreas is encapsulated  If it is, this will be an answer to prayer.  If it is not, that means it is involving vessels or other organs.  Please pray with me on this.  Friday morning he has another stent placed via the gastro doc  to help with the draining because of the location of the tumor.

We are just taking everything one day at a time.  It is very hard for me to process all of this.  But, I want you to know that I feel so much peace.  I can't describe it, and keep asking myself if this calmness I feel peace?  The scripture that says "peace that surpasses all understanding", well it is peace that I can't explain or understand. Thank you for praying over us.

Matt drove in from Waco for the day to see his dad. So great to see his sweet face and feel his hugs.

I want you to know that I have read every text, heard every voicemail, and read every message, email and wall postings that are sent our way.  This is amazing comfort, love and encouragement to all five of us as well as my mom, Pat and Pat's mom, Chris.  We feel so loved. Pat read a lot of the FB messages this morning, but hasn't been able to read here on CaringBridge.

Will chat with you tomorrow!  Much love from the Double E plus 3!

In His Grip,

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